Understanding Famine form a Biblical Perspective

Understanding Famine form a Biblical Perspective

Bishop Josephat W. Mukemi | 9 July 2023

Bishop Mukemi delivered a timely sermon on understanding famine from a biblical perspective and the importance of involving God in decision-making during challenging times. He referenced Genesis 12:10, where Abram faced a famine and made the decision to go to Egypt without consulting God. The Bishop stressed that such hasty decisions without seeking God's guidance can have negative consequences, as exemplified by Abram's experiences in Egypt.

Encouraging believers to involve God in all aspects of their lives, including marriage, job, and business decisions, Bishop Mukemi emphasized the significance of seeking God's face and direction, particularly in difficult times. He referred to Genesis 26:1-17, where Isaac was instructed by God not to go to Egypt but to remain in the designated land. The Bishop urged everyone to be in the place ordained by God, as that is where His blessings are found.

The sermon highlighted the importance of listening and obeying God's instructions, citing Isaac's obedience in redigging wells and utilizing the water for sustenance. Quoting Deuteronomy 8:18, which acknowledges God's provision of wealth-generating abilities, Bishop Mukemi encouraged believers to seek God's guidance in all their endeavors.

In conclusion, Bishop Mukemi reminded the congregation that God manifests Himself even and especially in challenging times, encouraging them to trust in Him and seek His guidance in every aspect of their lives.